Thursday Evening October 11th, Stereo Exchange welcomes Audio Research for the…

Reference 160M Launch

After two years of development, Audio Research, the leaders in tube amplification have unveiled a power amplifier that looks, sounds, and is built like no other.

As New York City’s only displaying dealer we are thrilled to welcome David Gordon, Audio Research Brand Ambassador, to introduce the 160M and showcase its performance abilities.

  • 5:00 pm – Drinks and hors d’oeuvres
  • 6:00 pm – 160M Showcase
  • 8:30 pm – End

Features Rockport, Transparent and McIntosh Labs

As this event has limited seating, please RSVP to reserve your seat.

We visited the Audio Research factory recently and were amazed at the obsessive attention to detail. After rigorous tube and parts testing and matching throughout the entire production process, every single unit is auditioned in a reference audio system by specific Audio Research personnel to assure proper performance prior to shipping.

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